
You can return one or more products within 30 days of receiving your order. The refund will cover the cost of the returned products, excluding shipping and gift packaging.

  1. Make sure you have the pre-printed and pre-paid label you found inside the package (if you do not have it, please contact us)
  2. Access your order page through your account or as a guest through this My Order link
  3. Select the items to return and send the request.
  4. You will receive an email with your return details, package preparation instructions, and a link to book your courier pickup.
  5. You can choose between home pickup or collection at a pickup location.

The product must necessarily be returned under the following conditions:

·       The product must not be used;

·       The packaging must be intact;

·       The product must have the warranty attached.

Note: If the return does not meet these conditions, the package will be returned, and a refund will not be issued.

For orders placed online, no returns are made in stores.

The refund will be processed within 5 working days of the validation of the return, using the payment method used for the order. The shipping and gift box will not be refunded.

If you want to request a size change, you can contact us by completing this form and selecting the option "Request a change of size" in the drop-down menu. Remember to enter the order number in the appropriate field and indicate the item for which you want to replace the size, specifying the desired size. 


You will receive an email at the address you provided, with the following instructions. 

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